Scultpra – one of my favorite treatments at M Aesthetics!

What is Sculptra? 

Sculptra (poly-L lactic acid) is a tiny sugar molecule that is injected into the face with sterile water in areas where we want to slowly build volume and collagen. Sculptra is NOT filler. Instead this tiny molecule stimulates your OWN body to produce collagen and tissue that creates a youthful more volumized look. Typically we inject sculptra in the lower 2/3 of the face such as the cheeks, temples, around the mouth, in front of the ear and back of the jaw to create structure to support the aging face. 


What age should I start getting sculptra? 

Ideally in your 30s! After age 25 we are losing 1 ml of collagen per year that we NEVER get back. This is the perfect time to start with a maintenance plan of Sculptra. Once in our 40s and older we benefit from a series of sculptra treatments (2-4) and then annual maintenance. As Dr Shino Bay Aguilera (renowned Dermatologist) says Sculptra is the “401K” plan for your face. Not only does it replace lost volume slowly and naturally but it will also help the texture of the skin to appear more youthful. Truly this stuff is your youth serum! 

How long until I see results? 

Immediately after Sculptra injections you will be slightly swollen from the sterile water it is mixed in. Within 48 hours this will be absorbed and you will appear at your baseline. Sculptra’s magic happens in 3-6 months with over 90% of patients happily seeing results at month six as your body produces the collagen and structural support. The BEST part of Sculptra is that this stuff lasts! Because your body is making the collagen and tissue it is unlike filler which slowly goes away. At 25 months (2 years!) patients will still see the benefit of Sculptra. Likely this goes on and on however the research studies were stopped at two years. 

What questions do you have about Sculptra? It is an amazing treatment really for almost anyone. I love the natural results and benefits both for the volume and improving the texture of your skin! Want to talk about this treatment for you? Schedule a free consult! 

Let’s chat! 




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